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Coping With COVID-19 and Positive Actions During Coronavirus Crisis

Coping With COVID-19 and Positive Actions During Coronavirus Crisis

Wow! If our Ancestors could see us now I believe they’d not only be appalled by responses to the Coronavirus crisis, but also proud by our shared humanity and progress.  Personally, I feel highjacked by fear when seeing our global catastrophe’s, but most importantly, I want to share positive actions that help soothe my inner world so that it might calm your chaos too when fears creep up on you.

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Reclaim Life by Turning a Small Space into a Multifunctional Place

Reclaim Life by Turning a Small Space into a Multifunctional Place

One of my goals when newly divorced was to live in a top-rated public school district for Simone but rentals were extremely high where I wanted us to One of my goals when I was newly divorced was to live in a top-rated public school district for Simone but rentals were extremely high where I wanted us to live

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I’m Kris and Welcome to the Adventure that is Life

I’m Kris and Welcome to the Adventure that is Life

Hello! I’m Kris–I provide support to organize & simplify surroundings, reclaim life, and transform struggle into streamline. Sooner or later most of us experience heartache we’re not equipped to handle and find ourselves called to action–either being taken out by suffering or becoming the hero of our own life’s journey.

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My Campfire Confession and the Autocamp Airstream Dream

My Campfire Confession and the Autocamp Airstream Dream

I love Airstream trailers. Simply looking at them makes my heart feel happy and free. I’ve been pointing them out on the highway since Simone was little. Now, when we see one on the road, she calls out ‘Airstream,’ like horse or cow. I’m also someone who loves hitting the jackpot, or holding the luck of the draw. 

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The Adventures of Mothers and Daughters

The Adventures of Mothers and Daughters

Does it mean I’m getting my job done as a mother when my daughter says, “Mom, you can be protective, just not over-protective.” I like to believe this is true, especially when I feel the urge to micro-manage her independent, free-spirited nature and keep her safe inside boundaries surrounded by love and encouragement.

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When Life Dumps You in Dirt and Plants You in Greener Pastures

When Life Dumps You in Dirt and Plants You in Greener Pastures

Possibility blooms when we stop kicking the dirt and start nourishing the soil. Life is beautiful. I finally feel my efforts, hardships, sleepless nights and daily challenges rest neatly tucked in bed. I’m so relieved to put my feet up, relax and reflect on how far I’ve come.

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I Disappeared From Grief, Now I’m Back!

I Disappeared From Grief, Now I’m Back!

I’m Kris Adams and my ‘About Me’ video shares some personal back story with Top 5 Actions to go beyond grief, where more peace and happiness is available. When we take steps to break free from the chains of past trauma and tragedy, life becomes a lot more fun!

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It Felt Like Driving Off a Bridge, but I Drove Over it Instead

It Felt Like Driving Off a Bridge, but I Drove Over it Instead

I tell myself, focus, while driving the seven hours back and forth every other weekend to be with my daughter. I feel it’s best Simone finishes out her three months of school in Los Angeles, keeping things consistent and stable as much as possible.  My Mom is living with her while I secure work in San Francisco.

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French Woman Camping

French Woman Camping

My life on the other side of taking charge. I’m not French, but feel inspired by the elegant sophistication French women exude. And… they make doing dishes in high heels look effortless. I love to camp in the great outdoors; however, I want to enjoy it like a French Woman. My inner tomboy has …

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Let’s Hear Those Sleigh Bells Jingling

Let’s Hear Those Sleigh Bells Jingling

Let's hear those sleigh bells jingling, ring-ting-tingling too...  These lyrics were playing on my radio when I went to return my rental car but the location was closed.  Rather than letting the 1/2 hour delay ruin my whole day, I drove to the nearest...

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Lady Madonna

Lady Madonna

There's a favorite scene of mine in the movie Under the Tucson Sun where Diane Lane's friend shows up at her house in Tuscany, nine months pregnant and in the midst of a broken heart.  She's devastated, crying and says, "How do you breathe again...?" Diane Lane's...

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Someone’s Knocking On My Door

Someone’s Knocking On My Door

I’ve been operating on Gazelle adrenaline - the kind that's being chased by a Tiger, but always staying one step ahead. The kind where my fight or flight mechanisms are in working order, but have been over extended for the past two years. Unlike a Gazelle, I’ve kept...

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Grief is Where Pain & Beauty Merge

Grief is Where Pain & Beauty Merge

Grief is…  Awkward peaceful angry raw real loving graceful painful bitter euphoric gracious tender bold fear violent righteous debilitating alive wonder splitting courageous solid true crumbling aching painful beautiful transforming layered kind gripping roaring...

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My Harebrained Vulnerability

My Harebrained Vulnerability

Another snapshot in the ongoing acceptance of healing after loss... We're talking real life here... The kind that wants to stay hidden, but is there on the surface if you look close enough... or at least my daughter, Simone, looks close enough and lets me know what...

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Marianne Williamson, My 30 Year Mentor

Marianne Williamson, My 30 Year Mentor

October 2013 was when Marianne Williamson announced she was running for Congress, and October 1985 was when I first met her. In the span of almost 30 years I’ve been influenced by someone I don't know personally, but who had a profound impact on my life experience. It...

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How My Dust Bunny Confronted My Playboy Bunny

How My Dust Bunny Confronted My Playboy Bunny

How does a blindsided woman reclaim her femininity and personal power when the man she loves chooses another? There are many answers to the century old dilemma. Betrayal is nothing new; it has been happening in relationships since the dawn of time. However, in my...

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The Power of Simplifying

The Power of Simplifying

Gandhi's heart spoke it, Einstein knew it, Frank Lloyd Wright built it, and Mother Teresa held it in her hands. All visionaries were called to harness the power of simplicity within their purpose and mission. I feel the same holds true for each of us building a life...

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Electric Van Guide

Did you know Ford built an electric powered van? Get my FREE guide with cost and tips for an easier off-grid experience.

Kris Adams and her E Transit Van