Kris Adams

Hi, I'm Kris

I share stories about off-grid van living and other life stuff because we all deserve to stress less and laugh more.

Coping With COVID-19 and Positive Actions During Coronavirus Crisis

Wow!  If Our Ancestors Could See Us Now

I believe our ancestors would not only be appalled by responses to the Coronavirus crisis, but also proud by our shared humanity and progress.  Personally, I feel highjacked by fear when seeing our global catastrophe’s, but most importantly, I want to share positive actions that help soothe my inner world so that it might calm your chaos too when fears creep up on you.

  • Breathe deeply 3 times.  More oxygen means less anxiety
  • Feelings have a beginning, middle and end. 
  • Being calm maintains clarity
  • Drink more water & eat healthy meals
  • Be a responsible citizen by staying in. Think globally, act locally
  • Be kind and gentle with yourself and others.
  • Exercise with either online communities or youtube tutorials
  • Jigsaw puzzles and card games help to focus on the present moment
  • Stay heavily meditated

Let’s Remember We’re in a Marathon, Not a Sprint

Pace yourself so that despair, anxiety and boredom won’t consume all your food and wine in record time.  Seriously, I believe the emotional stuff that makes a big difference is being less fear driven, and more heart-centered with our lifestyle choices so that ease and grace is more accessible for everyone.

There’s No One-Size-Fits all in Life

I imagine focusing on freedom and possibility instead of fear and destruction is a relief for you too.  Now more than ever during these uncertain times it’s necessary to clear out extra stuff and takes steps toward downsizing, organizing and simplifying your surroundings so that you’re ready for whatever comes your way after the quarantine’s lift and life moves forward.

We’re in This Together

Start by clearing out a closet or junk drawer and consume less bad stuff on social media while increasing more good because the world has gone viral and being on the good side of virtual history is the stuff new possibilities are made of.

Connected Communities are Resilient Communities

Seeing communities join together through kind deeds, light-hearted humor, and innovative ideas is the contagious stuff we need more of and I believe if our ancestors were here today they’d say, ‘Watch out! The fate of humanity resides in being this way.’

Unprecedented Times Create New Opportunities

This virus is not only bringing our planet to its knees, but also giving rise to the best parts of our humanity and you’re not alone in getting ready for the unprecedented changes.

I’m wishing you speedy recovery along with balance and peace during this humbling and heroic process. . .

For More Reading & Podcast Listening, Go To The Following Links:

My Blogs

Adventures of Possibility Podcast

Favorite Quotes From This Week:

‘Keeping bodies apart, hearts together.’ @ artofkindness

‘Can we spread kindness faster than a virus.’ @ thebucketlistfamily

‘But Toto, can I click my heels and go home now?’ -Diane Traversi

In case you’ve run out of Netflix shows to watch and since I’m an adventurous-small-space-simply-living enthusiast, the following 3 Travel Bloggers have lots of free episodes to enjoy:

Gone With The Wynns 

Sailing La Vagabond 

Eamon and Bec

For trustworthy news reporting and helpful articles go to

NPR Article For Some Free Resource Stuff

Be Safe and Big Hugs!

From My Heart to Yours,

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Kris Adams and her E Transit Van