When Life Dumps You in Dirt and Plants You in Greener Pastures

Kris Adams
I’m Kris

I share stories about off-grid van living and other life stuff because we all deserve to stress less and laugh more.

Possibility blooms when we stop kicking the dirt and start nourishing the soil.

Life is beautiful.  I finally feel my efforts, hardships, sleepless nights and daily challenges rest neatly tucked in bed.  I’m so relieved to put my feet up, relax and reflect on how far I’ve come.  See previous blogpost, It Felt Like Driving Off a Bridge, but I Drove Over it Instead.

It’s six months into my new life and I sit within the coziness of myself.  I did it!  I got a job, relocated us to a new city, apartment, school. I’m accomplished, good and virtuous. I’m strong, loving, kind. I’m a single Mom Rock Star. I’m me, and I’m free.

I soon discover life doesn’t always run on cozy company; it runs on mysterious biofuels, designed to turn us toward new directions when we least expect.  Life also likes to keep us on our toes and show us magic tricks.  Life loves to play games and throw curve balls to remind us not to take ourselves, or the game too seriously.  Sometimes, life sucks.

I try remembering this when I hear the company I work for, and helps relocate my daughter, Mom, and me to San Francisco is struggling financially.  I’m the last one hired, and first one let go.  On top of it, I just signed a year lease, Simone’s starting school, and I’m at the point-of-no-return.  It feels like I’m still in my bathrobe and late for living my best-dressed life.

It takes tenacity and faith to be committed and unattached to an outcome.  I’m naive to believe when we land in greener pastures our lives no longer need grooming.  I’m also notorious for not seeing other waves when my ego likes to walk on water.

So this is how you want to play Universe?!  You’re going to drown me after I just swam through the most horrifying hurricane of my life?  B-R-I-N-G.  IT. ON.

Time feels like it’s standing still, but two weeks have past.  I’m all upside down and strangely, in all the right-kind-of-ways.  When we’re pushed up against the chaos of ourselves, there’s really no place left to go, other than taking ourselves out, or facing the fire and trusting it’s burning us through to something far greater than we comprehend in the moment.

Fire and magic work together in mysterious ways.  When life dumps me in the dirt, it also plants me in a new job and better-suited position.  As an after thought to the Office Coordinator job I apply for, I debate whether or not to include my Grief Recovery Specialist skills.  Turns out, the Chief Administrative Officer took note, and now I get to not only utilize my skills of maintaining an organized, aesthetically pleasing environment, but also listen and work daily with people who need crisis support for some tough life challenges.  This Divinely orchestrated job, not only helps my solid footing as I’m creating more vibrant living, but also supports my plan to soar beyond life’s obstacles and provide more possibility for others.

Luckily, the thing about reaching the outer limits of ourselves is that we get to discover what we’re truly made of.  Magic, I believe, is what life wants us to pay attention to and trust the process of, so we don’t give up before the good gets started.

In the comments below, I’d love to know what lights you up?  What parts of your life need more attention? Share one magic trick or unexpected twist that turned out better than expected.  If you’re not feeling any magic, stick around for awhile, I’ve got plenty to go around…

As always, ignite your light and let it shine bright!

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Kris Adams and her E Transit Van