I Disappeared From Grief, Now I’m Back!

Kris Adams

Hi, I'm Kris

I share stories about off-grid van living and other life stuff because we all deserve to stress less and laugh more.

Being chained to past trauma & tragedy can really put a damper on your day.
I say this as a woman who’s enjoying peace and happiness from the other side of the mountain now. I disappeared from grief, and feel fortunate to be back because it took me awhile to climb my way out of the muck and mire I fell into. This odyssey definitely chewed me up and spit me out on the road to recovery.  As a result, I feel a renewed sense of freedom and it truly lights me up to share more of life’s possibilites with you.  Perhaps the journey of my self discovery will be a safe place for sorrow and suffering to lighten up for you too.  See my French Woman Camping blogpost. Watch my Go Beyond Grief video.

One of the many lessons learned from taking small and steady (sometimes wobbly) steps to go beyond grief, is choice. We can either be taken out, never to recover, or move through the suffering and create new life on the other side of it. Is this easy? No. Is it possible? Absolutely!

I’d love to share more with you, and if this resonates, enter your name and email to receive my Top 5 Actions that have made the biggest impact in my grief relief. My commitment is for these actions to provide support and get you back on track too. Watch my About Me video for some personal back story.  Even though I slipped under the radar for awhile, it feels good to be back!

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Be one of the bold people, making big changes, living brighter lives…

From My Heart to Yours,

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Kris Adams and her E Transit Van