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Peek into My Clean and Dirty Laundry…
Coping With COVID-19 and Positive Actions During Coronavirus Crisis

Coping With COVID-19 and Positive Actions During Coronavirus Crisis

Wow! If our Ancestors could see us now I believe they’d not only be appalled by responses to the Coronavirus crisis, but also proud by our shared humanity and progress.  Personally, I feel highjacked by fear when seeing our global catastrophe’s, but most importantly, I want to share positive actions that help soothe my inner world so that it might calm your chaos too when fears creep up on you.

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I Disappeared From Grief, Now I’m Back!

I Disappeared From Grief, Now I’m Back!

I’m Kris Adams and my ‘About Me’ video shares some personal back story with Top 5 Actions to go beyond grief, where more peace and happiness is available. When we take steps to break free from the chains of past trauma and tragedy, life becomes a lot more fun!

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French Woman Camping

French Woman Camping

My life on the other side of taking charge. I’m not French, but feel inspired by the elegant sophistication French women exude. And… they make doing dishes in high heels look effortless. I love to camp in the great outdoors; however, I want to enjoy it like a French Woman. My inner tomboy has …

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Someone’s Knocking On My Door

Someone’s Knocking On My Door

I’ve been operating on Gazelle adrenaline - the kind that's being chased by a Tiger, but always staying one step ahead. The kind where my fight or flight mechanisms are in working order, but have been over extended for the past two years. Unlike a Gazelle, I’ve kept...

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How My Dust Bunny Confronted My Playboy Bunny

How My Dust Bunny Confronted My Playboy Bunny

How does a blindsided woman reclaim her femininity and personal power when the man she loves chooses another? There are many answers to the century old dilemma. Betrayal is nothing new; it has been happening in relationships since the dawn of time. However, in my...

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The Power of Simplifying

The Power of Simplifying

Gandhi's heart spoke it, Einstein knew it, Frank Lloyd Wright built it, and Mother Teresa held it in her hands. All visionaries were called to harness the power of simplicity within their purpose and mission. I feel the same holds true for each of us building a life...

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Holiday Healing

Holiday Healing

The Holidays- that slippery slope to my Achilles heal when renewing life after loss.  It is the time of year that has always been sacred to me, but has become another hurdle to morph into a milestone. And, it's a milestone that I've had to polish the rough edges with...

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Hope is Where the Heart is

Hope is Where the Heart is

I was sitting in my little studio guest house, weeding thru the jungle of emotional land mines after my husband left and feeling the raw pain of rebuilding my life, when the phone rang... My sister said, "Someone opened fire at an elementary school in Connecticut,...

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A Place Where Healing Lives

A Place Where Healing Lives

I recently went to the Cirque du Soleil show, Love, for my cousins birthday.  I was inspired by the stunning performances, costumes, music and overall message that the powerful four-letter word represents. The simultaneous action and emotion happening on stage...

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In Gratitude of You

In Gratitude of You

During this Thanksgiving Holiday, I'm reflective of the gift you are to me. The gratitude I feel for you reading my words, sharing your comments and connecting to the bigger vision of moving beyond pain, is inspiring to me. It takes courage to step beyond suffering...

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Child Prodigy or Divorce Anthology?

Child Prodigy or Divorce Anthology?

Unexpected moments that reconnect me to the cornerstones of what matter, are the delicious moments I truly live for. It's easy to get caught up in the daily grind of rebuilding life after loss. The seemingly endless focus of basic needs for food, clothing, shelter,...

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Who is the Cocktail of This Party?

Who is the Cocktail of This Party?

A lot of epiphany moments come to me in the shower or the car.  Not necessarily the most glamorous, but definitely the most effective. I saw myself talking to someone as if my ex-husband and I were at a cocktail party and how it would feel to introduce him.  I'd say,...

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Mother & Daughter Crossing

Mother & Daughter Crossing

I’d like to introduce to you one of my vulnerabilities...  My eight year old daughter, Simone.  Aside from the fact that children are resilient and don’t have the same build-up of defeat as adults do; she is here to stamp her mark on the world, regardless of the...

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1970’s Road Tripping

1970’s Road Tripping

Ever since I was a child, camping has occupied a special place in my heart. It’s because I felt that was a time when my family was whole, centered and connected.  It was my dreamy picture of gathering together, warmed by a campfire, happy and fulfilled.  The reality:...

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How to Be a Master Over Your Emotional Disaster

How to Be a Master Over Your Emotional Disaster

I had an impulse to count all the milestones of loss I’ve endured, like a numerology parlor game, and discovered my hardship number added to “1.” From a spiritual perspective, one is considered the number of primal force and creation. Interestingly, it shed light on what I already knew-

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Daggers Anyone?

Daggers Anyone?

When I got married I didn’t know what my better and what my worse would be.  A lot of us who didn’t make it in marriage are in a club we don't want to be a member of. That being said, I was sharing at a seminar for celebrating Women and Worth, when a woman came up to...

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Walk Softly and Carry a Big Mirror

Walk Softly and Carry a Big Mirror

Have you ever been on the receiving end of someone blaming you for the way their life is not working?  My first reaction is to fight back and get defensive.  However, when I remember to take a moment and not step into the drama, it allows me to stay neutral and hold...

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I Haven’t Always Had My Sexy Goin On

I Haven’t Always Had My Sexy Goin On

 It may seem like I got my sexy goin on, but it hasn’t always been like that.  In fact, this photo shows one of my lowest moments.  For some reason I felt the urge to take a picture of myself so I’d remember the depths I came from.  It’s similar to the urge of crying...

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