1970’s Road Tripping

by | Healing

Kris Adams

Hi, I'm Kris

I share stories about off-grid van living and other life stuff because we all deserve to stress less and laugh more.


Ever since I was a child, camping has occupied a special place in my heart. It’s because I felt that was a time when my family was whole, centered and connected.  It was my dreamy picture of gathering together, warmed by a campfire, happy and fulfilled.  The reality: There were bugs, it was dirty, and too much friggen work.

My Dad would get stressed out, my Mom would check out and my sister and I didn’t get along.  It wasn’t entirely bad though, in fact, there was one road trip that lingers in my heart when we took our trailer down to the tip of Baja.

I remember being at a Lagoon somewhere outside of Cabo San Lucas where my sister and I launched our rowboat, cast a little metal, bucket-type anchor and sat on the water; soaking in the environment.  When we pulled the anchor up, a dozen clams were nestled inside.  We were so excited at how easily they appeared and high-fives replaced the morning defeat of empty clam digging.   The feeling of awe still lingers in my heart as I recall that tender trip through the fond memories of my seven-year-old self.

Upon returning home, I was imprinted with simple, yet profound words from a movie I watched.  I don’t remember the name of it, but I remember the scene.  There was a man chopping wood in the snow, he had dark hair and was telling someone off camera, “You come into this world alone and you leave alone.  Everything else in between is a gift.”  I don’t know why I committed those words to memory, but they’ve lasted this long and still resonate with me.

Life is beautiful, vibrant and not always what you want it to be.  Capture the moments that inspire you, and leave the rest.   Live your life being open to forgiveness, freedom, and fun.  It makes for a smoother ride.

I’d love to hear from you in the comments below.

As Always, Ignite Your Light and Let it Shine Bright!

From My Heart to Yours,


Journey with me!

I invite you to visit my new campsite and may it ignite new possibilities for your own.

To Bigger, Bolder, and Brighter lives for everyone…

Electric Van Guide

Did you know Ford built an electric powered van? Get my FREE guide with cost and tips for an easier off-grid experience.

Kris Adams and her E Transit Van