A Place Where Healing Lives

by | Healing

Kris Adams

Hi, I'm Kris

I share stories about off-grid van living and other life stuff because we all deserve to stress less and laugh more.

I recently went to the Cirque du Soleil show, Love, for my cousins birthday.  I was inspired by the stunning performances, costumes, music and overall message that the powerful four-letter word represents. The simultaneous action and emotion happening on stage for our senses to be assaulted and captivated by, reminds me of where healing lives after loss.

Love, has a tendency to go unnoticed in times of crisis when fear is operating at high levels, however, it’s the one emotion that gives immediate access for new direction beyond the repeated process of pain.  Love is readily available at a moments notice, if we remind ourselves to listen and feel for it. The phenomenon is similar to the essence of Grace, as it patiently waits for us to realize it’s there and always has been.  Im not talking surface kinda love, I’m talking soul-activating-river-of-tears love, that brings you to your knees by the riverbank and gives you the choice to either sink or swim.

If we take a moment to stop and acknowledge our suffering, not cast it aside because the feeling is too intense, we will curiously feel the human body miraculously healing.  Likewise, the human body performing in a Cirque show, defies what seems humanly possible too, but it’s living proof!

While at dinner before the show, my sisters friend joined us and shared about her niece, Scout, dying of cancer when she was 8 years old. My daughter, Simone, is 8 years old and its inconceivable to imagine her dying at any age.  The one thing I do know after experiencing many challenges of loss and talking to others who have survived harrowing pain, is that life is a gift and we’re all connected by the fact that we do not know our expiration date. It’s those universally defining moments of suffering that break open our hearts to love more and fear less.  Ironically, it seems counter intuitive that the pain you feel like dying from, could actually be the wound that lets more love into your life.

I wanted to share these words that Scouts mother wrote after her death as a reminder of the legacy a loved one leaves behind, so us mere mortals can continue to live on.  I have learned that love is the strongest force in the universe…. The big lesson in all this, in Scout’s illness and our struggle to get her cured and our deep sadness upon losing her–the overarching theme in all this is not loss, or cancer, or how unfair the world is, but LOVE. 

We can choose beyond our raw and real responses of suffering, by asking ourselves,  How can I be a more loving person in this experience?  What if love lost, is really more love found? And, How do I ultimately want my life to be defined?  In the wake of Nelson Mandela’s death, his quote speaks volumes, “As I walked out the door toward my freedom, I knew that if I did not leave all the anger, hatred and bitterness behind that I will still be in prison.”  Find ways to leave loss behind and look forward to Love being the key that sets you free.

As Always, Ignite Your Light and Let it Shine Bright!

From My Heart to Yours,


Journey with me!

I invite you to visit my new campsite and may it ignite new possibilities for your own.

To Bigger, Bolder, and Brighter lives for everyone…

Electric Van Guide

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Kris Adams and her E Transit Van