The Simple Gestures

by | Inspirational

Kris Adams

Hi, I'm Kris

I share stories about off-grid van living and other life stuff because we all deserve to stress less and laugh more.

heart.280I was on my way to drop off another load of donations I cleared out while simplifying all the “stuff” I have from my marriage and was reminded of George Carlin’s reference to our “stuff.”  He says, “Hey man, move your s*%t, so I can put down my stuff.”  Life viewed from our own lens- It’s my “stuff” and your “s*%t.”

More importantly, I wanted to share with you about a customer service moment.  I’ve worked in customer service-type jobs throughout my life and honor the importance of its value.  Today, I got a call from Kristi at my local Citibank branch, telling me I was overdrawn in my account by $480. I was stunned and also relieved she called.  My first thought was, someone hacked into my account because I allotted for everything and then it dawned on me…

With the many things to navigate on my own through building a new life, there will be things that fall through the cracks and writing a check for my American Express bill, plus forgetting to transfer money to cover it, was one of them. Yowza!

Luckily, I had the cash and was able to deposit it by the 10:30am deadline before the check was returned unpaid.  After I hung up the phone with Kristi, I started crying in my car.  I didn’t realize an act of customer service would affect me so deeply and the gesture represented far more than a cleared overdraft.  I felt taken care of once again by the Universe when I least expected it and knew that I didn’t have to do this navigating all on my own.

Across the street from the donation center is one of my favorite restaurants and health food stores called Follow Your Heart.  They sell unique gifts and trinkets, so I stopped in and found this carved stone heart you see in the picture and headed over to meet Kristi in person.

When I said to her, “I’m so grateful you called and the difference it made with me,” I thought the tears were all shed.  I said, “I recently went through a divorce and even though I’ve been a customer for 18 years, the automated customer service said I don’t get the same benefits with my new account. However, a supervisor did say they will upgrade my new account when I get my final divorce papers.  Honestly, I haven’t had the time to deal with it.”  She said, “I understand and I appreciate you taking the time to tell me, and we’ll take care of you.”  I handed her the heart stone.  I said, “This is for you,” and she said, “Are you sure?” She gave me a hug and we both thanked each other.  I walked out of the bank with renewed hope in the system I’ve felt lost and annoyed with- my bank and my life.  It’s the simple gestures that carry far more than we give them credit for.

As always, Ignite your light and let it shine bright-

From My Heart to Yours,



Journey with me!

I invite you to visit my new campsite and may it ignite new possibilities for your own.

To Bigger, Bolder, and Brighter lives for everyone…

Electric Van Guide

Did you know Ford built an electric powered van? Get my FREE guide with cost and tips for an easier off-grid experience.

Kris Adams and her E Transit Van